Privacy Policy

Updated April 27, 2021

Stäubli Personal Data Protection Policy

The Stäubli Personal Data Protection Policy is intended to provide information about how Stäubli processes personal data - i.e. any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual - that is collected in the framework of its business and activities towards its customers, prospects, suppliers, employees and applicants.

Stäubli is committed to apply uniform, adequate and global personal data protection standards for the handling of data subjects personal data throughout Stäubli in line with European regulations.

Stäubli has appointed a Global Data Protection Manager (GDPM) for the management of data protection within the group. The GDPM can be contacted at or STÄUBLI TECHNOLOGY & SERVICES 7, Avenue du Pré Closet, PAE Les Glaisins, Annecy-Le-Vieux, 74940 Annecy, France.

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

The Data Controller responsible for processing your personal data will depend on your location and business relationship with Stäubli.

The controller is identified in contractual documents or communication (such as information notices, email) you received from Stäubli. However, should you have any doubt on the Controller’s identity processing your personal data you may send a written request by email to the GDPM ( in order to be provided with identity and contact details of the Controller who is responsible of the processing activities that regard your personal data.

Which data are collected and for which Purposes?

Stäubli collects personal data directly from you or from your company in the frame of its business relationships and activities. Stäubli also collects personal data indirectly from user’s navigation on websites and use of applications.

Purpose of the processing activity Categories of Personal Data processed Legal basis
To fulfill contractual obligations with your company in the frame of established business relationship or to take steps prior to entering into a contract with your company

Identity (gender, first name, last name)

Contact Data (title, company, professional address, email, telephone numbers)

Connection Data (login authentication to restricted Custormer/Partner databases) Transaction Data (Details on products and/or services purchase orders)


Legitimate interest

To answer request addressed by email or through the “Contact form” available in our websites or through direct contact during a trade fair for instance

Identity (gender, first name, last name)

Contact Data (title, company, professional address, email, telephone numbers)

Legitimate interest
To send information on Stäubli products and/or services, invitation to events through newsletters

Identity (gender, first name, last name)

Contact Data (title, company, professional address, email, telephone numbers)

Connection Data (Login data, IP address, information regarding opened emails)

Legitimate interest


To provide users with registered access to product or service databases

Identity (gender, first name, last name)

Contact Data (title, company, professional address, email, telephone numbers)

Connection Data (Login data, IP address, visited pages, length of time spent on website, information regarding downloaded documentation)

Legitimate interest


To improve and optimize the use, function and performance of our websites

To offer personalised advertising based on your interests for our products and services

Connection Data (IP address, visited pages, length of time spent on website, information regarding opened emails)

Legitimate interest


To organize visitors venue into our premises

Identity (gender, first name, last name)

Contact Data (title, company, professional address, email, telephone numbers)

Accommodation and travel information (where applicable)

Legitimate interest

To analyse and process applications regarding recruitment process

To conduct general human resources administration and management

Identity (gender, first name, last name, date of birth, photo)

Contact Data (title, personal address, email, telephone number)

Professional information (past and current position, educational background and any other information provided on a voluntary basis)

Financial Data (salary, bank account)

Legitimate interest




Legal obligations


Data Sharing and Disclosure

Recipients of Personal Data are, depending on the purposes, the duly authorised staff of the Stäubli group, its service providers, partners and subcontractors who are required to strictly respect the purposes of the processing activities.

The data may also be transmitted to the competent authorities, at their request, or to comply with other legal obligations to which Stäubli may be subject.

Some companies within the Stäubli Group are located outside the European Union, in countries that do not have personal data protection legislation equivalent to that applying in the European Union. The Stäubli Group has implemented the necessary safeguards to supervise such transfers to a third country. Information on the safeguards implemented for this purpose is available upon request by contacting the GDPM (

Data Storage Period

Your personal data will be held by Stäubli for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes identified and as required by applicable law.

Your Rights

You have the right to access, rectify, object to, restrict, or erase in certain circumstances, personal data Stäubli is processing about you. You also have the option of requesting Stäubli to stop sending newsletters to you. The latter can be done by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each newsletter sent to you. You also have the option to withdraw your consent or to withdraw your consent to the processing to which you have previously agreed. You have the right not to be the subject of an individual decision that is based solely on automated processing, such as profiling. You can request the portability of data concerning you.

You may exercise these rights at any time by sending a letter setting out your request to the GDPM ( whose contact details are provided above. In order for us to process your request, you must accompany this letter or email with the elements required to identify you.

You have the right to lodge a complaint to the competent supervisory authority responsible for the protection of personal data.

Security and Confidentiality

Stäubli is committed to protecting your personal data and maintaining its quality, integrity, and confidentiality. Stäubli therefore allows access to your personal data solely to employees who need to consult it as part of their mission. These employees are subject to confidentiality agreements concerning processed personal data, and are aware of the risks and obligations related to processing personal data. Stäubli has also implemented physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards that comply with the legal requirements in place to protect your personal data.


For more information regarding the use of your browsing data, please consult our Cookies Policy.

Changes to the Personal Data Protection Policy

Stäubli reserves the right to amend its Personal Data Protection Policy. In the event of an amendment, a notification regarding the new Policy will appear upon connecting to this website.

Questions, Complaints, and Suggestions

Should you have any questions or suggestions regarding Stäubli Personal Data Protection Policy, please contact the GDPM at or STÄUBLI TECHNOLOGY & SERVICES 7, Avenue du Pré Closet, PAE Les Glaisins, Annecy-Le-Vieux, 74940 Annecy, France

© 2022 Stäubli International AG, all rights reserved.